Privacy Policy
privacy policy
Personal information protection guidelines
Our company considers it a social responsibility to appropriately manage personal information in order to protect the rights and interests of individuals.
We have established the following guidelines regarding the protection of personal information, and will work to ensure that all employees and related parties are fully aware of the guidelines, and will strive to protect personal information even more than ever before.
1. Collection, use, and provision of personal information
We will establish a system to protect and manage personal information, establish internal rules regarding the appropriate collection, use, and provision of personal information, and comply with these rules.
2. Safety measures for personal information
We will take all possible precautions against unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information. In the unlikely event that a problem occurs, we will promptly implement corrective measures.
3. Confirmation, correction, and suspension of use of personal information
If a person (user), etc. requests confirmation, correction, or suspension of use of the content, we will investigate and respond appropriately in accordance with separately established internal rules.
4. Compliance with laws and regulations regarding personal information
We will comply with laws and other norms regarding personal information.
5, Education and continuous improvement
In order to properly maintain a personal information protection system, we will thoroughly educate and train our staff and continually review and improve internal rules.
6. Provision and disclosure of medical information, etc.
Provision and disclosure of medical information, etc. will be stipulated separately.
August 21, 2014 Medical Corporation Senjukai Chairman Yasunori Saito
Purpose of use of personal information at this facility
Service delivery
- Provision of medical and nursing care services at our facility
- Collaboration with other hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, visiting nursing stations, nursing care service providers, etc.
•Responses to inquiries from other medical institutions, etc.
-When seeking the opinions and advice of external doctors, etc. for medical treatment of users
• Outsourcing of sample testing operations and other outsourcing
•Explanation of medical condition to family members, etc.
•Other uses related to providing medical care to users
Administration for billing
-Administration related to medical care, nursing care, workers' compensation insurance, and publicly funded medical care at this facility
•Submission of receipt to examination payment agency
•Response to inquiries from examination and payment institutions or insurers
-Submitting receipts and responding to inquiries regarding publicly funded medical care to administrative agencies, etc.
-Other uses for claims related to medical care, nursing care, workers' compensation insurance, and publicly funded medical care.
Management and operation of this facility
•Reporting medical/nursing accidents, etc.
•Improvement of medical services for relevant users
•Adjustments for entering and leaving the facility
•Other uses related to the management and operation of this facility ◦Professional organizations related to medical care and nursing care related to physician liability insurance, etc.
Consultation or notification to insurance companies, etc.
◦Basic materials for maintaining and improving medical and nursing care services and operations
◦Cooperation with medical and nursing care training held within our facility
◦Case studies within facilities aimed at improving the quality of medical care and nursing care
◦Providing information to external auditing organizations